The Most Important Thing Before You Put Roses Into Vases

The most popular roses are used for creating bouquet and stored in a vase. Of course this is for roses cut flower. Roses cut flower can be obtained by planting the roses in our home or buying from the florist. If you want to input the roses to your vase, do not ignore this tips. So, what is the most important thing before you put roses into vases?

Actually this is very basic information about what should you do before inputting the roses to a vase. But, sometimes some people still doesn’t know yet this very basic tips. So, what is that? The answer is you need to cut off the end of the stem right before you input the roses into a vase. But why?

Especially if you getting the roses cut flower from the florist, there must be some time before you input to a vase. Roses cut flower need water to make them still fresh, however if you get from florist whether you get by take it directly from them or with their delivery service. Most of florist send the roses less of water to make the delivery easier.

Because of that, the end of the roses stem will no longer have a good pores to absorbing the water if you directly input them to a vase of water without cutting them. If you do like this, the roses will hard to absorbing the water and it can causing they hard to live or blooming.

But, by cutting the end of the stem right before you input to a vase, the pores stem will opened again and make them good again to absorbing the water. So, the roses will have enough of water and surely can bloom well in your vase.

However, it’s different if you have your own roses plant at your home. You can input directly your roses to a vase of water after you cut them through their plant. This is because the pores of their stem still good. Usually the pores closed if you didn’t get them to the water by one hour after you harvest them from their plants.

Meanwhile, their bloom will not last forever because they are only fresh cut flower which can died in a few days after you input to a vase. But, right now they are roses which can last a year and even forever to arrange your home by this beautiful flower. What roses they are? Definitely they are preserved roses. Doesn’t know yet about this kind of roses? Please read them from my previous articles: All you Need to Know About Preserved Roses.



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