Where to find for local florist in Massachusetts State which provides preserved roses or flower preservation service? Massachusetts is a state that located in the New England region of the Northeastern United States. Massachusetts have total area 10,565 sq mi and total population in 2016 is about 6,811,779.
Top 10 largest cities in Massachusetts by population are Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Lowell, Cambridge, New Bedford, Brockton, Quincy, Lynn and Fall River. However from this top 10 largest cities by population in Massachusetts, I can not found local florist which provides preserved roses or flower preservation service. But, I found another four florist from outside the top 10 largest cities which is from Marblehead, Whiteman, Peabody and Rockport.
I have searching to find local florist which provides preserved roses or flower preservation in Massachusetts State just for you, however before you check the lists, I am here just to facilitate or helping you where to find preserved roses in this state. I am not related to the local florist there, also the lists of local florist that I listed below is not by ranking but only based on the first time I found on the internet especially searching from the Google search engine.
I really work hard to find the perfect lists. However, right now I can only find four local florist from four city that I said before. Maybe I need to search again using another methode in the future to find another local florists. But maybe also there are not many local florist in this state which selling preserved roses or another flower preservation service. Please check the only four lists below that I found from Google:
Legends Floral Preservation
Website: https://www.legendsfloralpreservation.com/
Address: 191 Pleasant St. Unit 4. Marblehead, MA 01945
Phone: 978-979-3168

Angel Rosebeads
Website: http://www.angelrosebeads.com/index.shtml
Address: 542 Washington St. Whitman, MA 02382
Phone: 781-447-2633
Petals Inc.
Website: http://petalsinc.com/
Address: 3 First Avenue, Peabody, MA 01960
Phone: (978)532-0066
Flowers Preserved
Website: http://www.flowerspreserved.com/
Address: P.O. Box 222. Rockport, MA 01966
Phone: 781-245-1101
Surely, I will update as soon as possible if I can find another local florist which provides preserved roses or another florist that provide flower preservation services in Massachusetts State. Or, maybe right now it’s just only four local florist which provides flower preservation in this state (who knows?).
However, it would be nice if you know some other local florist in Massachusetts State to let me input to this post. Or, if you are the owner of local florist that providing preserved roses or flower preservation services in Massachusetts and wants me to add your website, address or social media fan page (if you doesn’t yet have any website) to this post, please contact me from the contact page of this site or leave a comment (surely I will not charge a fee).
The last but not least, please shopping carefully, I’m not responsible for any site that I listed above, I just helped you to find any local florist which provides preserved roses in Massachusetts, United State of America. I hope the only four lists that I listed above can meet your needs to find your favorite long lasting roses or another flowers preservation.