If you read this article, so I think you are now looking for local florist that provide preserved roses in the Los Angeles, California State, USA? Or you just visiting Los Angeles and need to know where is the local florist that selling preserved roses. So, you may want to know where to find preserved roses in Los Angeles, California, United States, isn’t it?
Before you read the list of local florist that provide preserved roses in Los Angeles, I am here just to facilitate or helping you where to find preserved roses in this city. I am not related to the local florist on there, also the list of local florist that I listed below is not by ranking but only based on the first time I found on the internet especially searching from the number one search engine which is Google. Check the list below:
Floral Preservation By Picture This
Website: http://www.picturethis-picturethat.com/index.html
Address: Los Angeles. I couldn’t find their addres, but they serving in Southern California and surrounding.
Contact: (818) 366-2488 or (818) 601-6816
The Only Roses
Website: https://www.theonlyroses.com/
Address: I couldn’t find their complete address, but their office in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California.
Contact: (626) 888-6172
La Fleur Bouquets
Website: https://www.lafleurbouquets.com/
Address: Icouldn’t find their complete address, but their office are in San Fransisco and Los Angeles, California.
Contact: +1 323-546-7472
The Million Roses
Website: https://themillionroses.us/
Address: 2301 E 7th St. Unit B112. Los Angeles, California 90023.
Contact: 424.800.3600
Website: https://www.chavalry.com/
Address: I couldn’t find their address, but I believe their office in Los Angeles, California from their phone code.
Contact: (818) 433-0866
4 Seasons Flowers
Website: https://www.4seasonsflowers.co/preserved-roses.html
Address: 721 S. San Pedro Street Unit N Los Angeles, CA 90014
Contact: (213) 291-8366
Website: https://www.only-roses.com/
Address: 9631 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA 90210
Contact: +1 (424) 278 1111
Dear Fleurs
Website: https://dearfleurs.com/
Address: Los Angeles (I couldn’t find their complete address)
Contact: I couldn’t find their phone number
Diamond Gift Box
Website: https://www.thediamondgiftbox.com/
Address: Los Angeles (I couldn’t find their complete address)
Contact: 1-877-237-7779
Boxed Flowers
Website: http://www.boxedflowers.la/
Address: Burbank, CA 91501
Contact: +1(818)359-3683
Holy Chic Los Angeles
Website: https://www.holychiclosangeles.com/
Location: Century City Mall
Contact: (747) 999-2020
That is the list of local florist in Los Angeles and surrounding who provided preserved roses . It would be nice if you know some other local florist in this city to let me input to this post. Or, if you are the local florist that provide preserved roses in Los Angeles or surrounding and want me to add your website on this post, please contact me (I will not charge a fee).
Please remember to shopping carefully, I’m not responsible for any site that I listed above, I just helped you to find any local florist that provide preserved roses in Los Angeles, California, United State of America.