If you visit this page, so I think you are now looking for local florist that provide preserved roses in the California State, USA? Or you are now have visiting California State and need to know where is the local florist that selling preserved roses. So, you may want to know where to find preserved roses in California United States, isn’t it?
Before you read the list of local florist that provide preserved roses in California, I am here just to facilitate or helping you where to find preserved roses in this State of USA. I am not related to the local florist in here, also the list of local florist that I listed below is not by ranking but only based on the first time I found on the internet especially searching from the number one search engine which is Google. I really work hard to find the perfect list. Please check the list below that I found from Google:
Preserved Roses In Los Angeles
For list of local florist that provide preserved roses in Los Angeles, please click here.
San Fransisco
Carruthers Floral
Website: https://www.jcarruthersfloral.com/
Address: I couldn’t find their complete address
Phone: 1-650-346-9865
Golden Rose Florist
Website: http://www.goldenroseflorist.com/
Address: 9228 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770
Phone: (626) 572-5888 / Toll free (800) 285-0151
Laguna Florist
Website: http://www.lagunafineflorist.com/
Address: 40 South Coast Highway # 105 – Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Phone: (949) 464-0509
Preserves Beauty
Website: https://www.preservesbeauty.com/
Address: 3001 E.Tahquitz Canyon Way #102 Palm Springs CA 92262
Phone: 760 218-5409
Expo Roses
Website: http://exporoses.com/
Address: Simi Valley, California (I couldn’t find their complete address)
Phone: 805-551-5913
San Diego
Flower Explosion
Website: https://www.flowerexplosion.com/
Address: 4629 Cass St. San Diego, CA 92109
Phone: 1-866-639-0277
Citti’s Florists
Website: http://www.cittisflorist.com/
Address: 990 E Hamilton Ave, Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (408) 371-7000 (800) 239-0700
Shanel’s Flowers & Frames
Website: https://freezedryit.com/
Address: 1865 Winchester Boulevard, Campbell, California 95008
Phone: 408-378-8096
San Mateo
Bovi Flowers
Website: https://www.boviflowers.com/
Address: I couldn’t find their address, but I believe they came from San Mateo, California because of their phone code which is (650)
Phone: (650) 383-7390
The Only Roses
Website: https://www.theonlyroses.com/
Address Mail: PO Box 202, AZUSA, CA 91702
Phone: 626-888-6172
I am so sorry because I couldn’t find many list from this state. However there are more list that I found from Los Angeles, California that I have seperated on another page. However, it would be nice if you know some other local florist in this State of California to let me input to this post. Or, if you are the owner of local florist that provide preserved roses in this state and want me to add your website on this post, please contact me (surely I will not charge a fee).
Please shopping carefully, I’m not responsible for any site that I listed above, I just helped you to find any local florist that provide preserved roses in California, United State of America. I hope you can find what you need. Thanks.
Last Update:
January, 08 2018