Roses is one of many flowers that has many fans because of their beauty looks and colorfulness. This cutting flowers always use to decorate for many events such as wedding decoration, birthday party, as a bouquet for a gift and many more. However because they are a fresh cut flowers, they only last about a week in a vase.
But with a special technique of flower preservation, they are roses that can last for a year. Yes, the flowers can last for 12 months not only 7 days. Not many florists sell this preserved roses because it may they doesn’t know yet how to make it or they just doesn’t want to sell it for an expensive price.
But yes, they are florist who sell roses that still bloom up to a year like Fleur Du Luxe. But did you know that preserved roses costly $90 for each? Did you think it was expensive?

Their preserved roses looking fresh and fresh to touch as well. Their roses doesn’t need water to survive and came in spectacular boxes. Their color of roses not only usual color of roses such as traditional red, white, orange, pink, yellow and purple. Their has so many range of colors including bright blue, matte black and gold using dyeing technique with similar to food coloring.
Are you still thinking their roses is expensive? Actually not. Why? How much you spent for buying fresh roses? Usually fresh roses cost about $10 each from the supermarket for the cheapest bunches. Then, for just a week you could end up spending about $60. So let’s we compared with Fleur Du Luxe Bouquet that only cost $5 for a week and it can last for a year.
You may know agreed with me that their preserved roses actually is not expensive. And for maintaining it was so easy, you don’t need to use water like traditional flowers in a vase that need water and also you must change the water everyday for kept it well. You only need to avoid direct sunlight, avoid high humidity if possible and of course ocassional gentle dusting off.
The only weakness is you cannot remove the flowers from their boxes because it may you end up the roses broken, but this is not a big deal because their boxes is quite beautiful too.
However if you still thinking that their roses is expensive, but you want to get preserved roses, you may try to make it at home (DIY).
Lets go reading my articles about how to preserve roses with hairspray and silica gel, you may failed on the first try, also you may so happy if you can do it yourself. Practice makes perfect! However if you doesn’t want to make it yourself or just wanna buy it, you can just buy it from Fleur Du Luxe or any other florist that selling preserved roses. But I’m suggesting you to read my article about lasting roses buying guide that you should know before you decided it.